Monday, December 12, 2011

Buildable Bots: How to build new friends, and influence programming

The Buildable Billboard!

How to build new friends, and influence programming:

Occasionally as you wander the grid, you find things that make you rub your eyes and mutter to the heavens "why?"  At other times, albeit far more rare, you come across something so ingenious and so interesting that you can't believe it didn't exist before. It is to my great joy that I am having one of the latter types of days. 

It started as I went to visit a friend at her store. I had just rezzed in, and was saying "hello" to her when I noticed someone talking to me in bright green text. Now as a veteran of many club runs I have seen talking objects before so at first I dismissed this novelty. I started to speak again, and this cute little pink robot kept butting in! I would have been annoyed if it weren't so endearing. 

I asked my friend about it, and she said they were the newest thing in breed-able pets. I could barely contain my excitement as I scurried from one robot, to the next. They were interesting and engaging. It was a nice change from horses that whinnied and stamped it hooves. These little guys had so much personality that it was hard not to fall immediately in love.

My heart did crash a little when I saw the $2499 Linden price tag. A girl does have other obligations after all, but seeing the happy little guys running around I immediately set my mind towards saving up! Your initial starter kit comes with all the bits and bobs you need to get the most out of your newly built friends, and while there is a maintenance fee in the form of fuel, the costs are just about where they need to be. 

Honest Officer, It wasn't me!!
((ok, it totally was!))

The set up is similar enough to the other breedables that you won't have any problem learning the ins and outs of your new friends. After doing a bit of research, I noticed a lot of people complaining over very minor inconveniences that were completely optional. You can choose to do step A to get OPTION B. With as much work, and obvious love put into creating these little miracles it seems fairly cruel to cause a fuss when they offer something that will increase your enjoyment but that isn't required.

The advertisements alongside the bots promise a myriad amount of possibilities. What you build depends on what level xp and materials the bots have that you use to build with. This makes tedious genetic research a bit less of an issue. You also have the options for different styles and types of bot. If you had a mind to, I would bet you could make a fairly good SL living just making new friends. Couple that with the interactive nature of the bots, and you have entertainment covered for quite a while. In fact the advertisement claims 280k different responses will trigger them to speak, and that they learn to react to their specific user’s way of speaking. That turn of phrase only your close friends get? Well, now you can make a few new friends that get it to! Little things like learning your name may seem simple, but once your new robotic friend learns it so does every  other bot on the grid! 

As I try to bring this review to a close, a robot name Dos Equis has rolled up to me smiling as he happily waves. Immediately endearing and with the potential to be a revenue generator for you, there is no reason to pass up the chance to create your very own Build-able Bot.

Shane and Bat.. Now where is the third Musketeer!
 As a side note, from one of the design team, try asking your new friend about the theory of relativity at some point. I plan on doing so as soon as I post this article, after all I wouldn't want to ruin it for you! 

For now, this is Medeena wishing you all happy shopping and may all your clothes fit you right off the rack! Buildables, SharkClub Buildables (114, 170, 21)

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