Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Zooby Baby (or) Completing your family

                When I came to Second Life, it was out of a desire to connect with others.  Being a high functioning autistic I love to socialize and feel a part of people's lives but the simple truth is I am rubbish at it.  It was during my early time in Second Life that I learned about Zooby's trainable pets. 

                When I approached Zooby's to write this review, I asked if there were a new project.  Zooby's recommended Zooby Babies. Interested and a little amused, I rushed home to play with the Zooby Baby.

                I have seen virtual babies in Second Life before, I had seen the pregnancy simulators as well. I had never quite understood the phenomenon whether its because I am autistic or because I am a parent of two small baby boys, raising a child in Second Life seemed to much like work.

As I write this, staring down at baby Michelle I can see the attraction. She moves, coos, her eyes blink, and of course she is tiny, pink and perfect. I am not quite ready to sign up to be "Mom" yet but I do get the attraction.

                Second Life is a bridge for many people across the world. There are relationships here that are as real for the couples involved as anything they might have flesh and blood. We have military couples trying to stay close, young lovers who have just met, and even married couples that date in Second Life as a way to find things they might be missing in real life.

                Due to the situational nature of the relationships here, there is a high likelihood that you will never really be able to hold the one you love. There is every reason to believe that the love you share here, no matter how real, how satisfying or meaningful will ever become a real life, physical relationship. There are even cases of someone being another gender in this world, to explore other aspects of their personalities which would preclude real world contact in order to preserve the illusion for their partner.

                These issues combine to form one conclusion. If the only life you can have with the one you love is going to be a Second Life then you want to be able to fully enjoy and express that love in every way you could in the real world. Starting a family together, cements that bond. It creates a link that nothing can ever break at least in the real world.

                I think, a virtual baby that can interact with her parents, can give them a closeness they might not have otherwise been able to achieve in this virtual setting. It adds another layer to the illusion or depending on your point of view the reality of the relationship. If it is the ultimate expression of love in the real world it follows suit that our couples in this virtual world would want the same opportunity.

                Zooby's saw this need.  They saw that there was a large segment of the population that just wanted to be able to express their real love for each other in a meaningful way.

                With the same artistry Zooby's brought to pets, they gave birth to a whole new way for the couples of Second Life (and the single parents!) to have someone to love, care for, tend, and watch grow. With proper care and maintenance your little one will learn new abilities, and become an ever increasing part of your life.

                Calling these little ones a work of art, is no stretch of the imagination. As I hold baby Michelle, and look into her large green eyes I can't help but smile. She coos up at me, her eyes right on mine. The texturing, and animations are all very lifelike and believable. The scripting, is as intricate and perfect as I think it could possibly be.

                As with any newborn or infant you will have to take care of them properly for them to grow and learn to the best of their ability. To that end, there are stores full of the items you would need to care for a real child. Strollers, diapers, bottles, you name it and it is ready for you to purchase. Just my advice, but I suggest setting up the nursery before adopting your new little one. While the note card included does tell you "Will never get sick, Will never die" the simple fact is you will want to care for the baby the right way. To do that, you need your equipment right from the start.

                In closing, The Zooby Babies are an amazing work of art and I believe they have the potential to help the couples of SL bridge that gap to create a full virtual life together. Realistic and entertaining, they are certainly worth your time and attention.

For now, this is Medeena wishing you all happy shopping, and may all your clothes fit you right off the rack!

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